Registrations for this race are open to Elite riders (with UCI license) and also for Hobby riders, which will be made on their own responsibility (with parental approval for riders under 18 years).
Pre-registrations can be made online …05.2019 – 02.07.2019, filling the form online.
Online registration closes on 2 July 2019 at 23:59 (Romanian Time).
Registration can be also made on the race venue according to the schedule posted, by filling in the form.
Validation will be done on race secretary, after the payment of the registration fee. Registration validation for Hobby riders under the age of 18 will be done only if a parent/legal guardian is present or by presenting a written accord from the parent authenticated by a public notary.
All competitors and parents/legal guardians for under aged competitors must know and obey to the race regulations.
Registration fees:
- Reduced Tax: between .. Mai – 28 June at 24:00 PM : 50 Lei for the Amateur, 30 lei for Child and Family Races, 100 lei for the UCI Races.
- Tax in the last week: between 29 June – 2 July at 23:59: 60 Lei for the Amateur Races, 40 Lei for the Child and Family Races, 110 lei for the UCI Races;
- Tax at the Race secretary: 70 Lei for the Amateur Races, 50 Lei for the Child and Family Races, 120 lei/25 Euro for the UCI Races;
For payments in advance (until 2 July, please dont pay via bank after this date) use this bank account: RO48 BTRL 0050 1205 N953 34XX , Banca Transilvania Oradea specifying: Cupa Crater tax, the chosen route and the age category, the name and locality of the participant for which the fee was paid.
Important: after the payment confirm the payment by sending a scan/photo/print screen of the transaction using the Payment Confirmation Form on the List of Registered Competitors page.
For registrations fill the form below:
Înscrierile online s-au încheiat.
Vă mai puteți înscrie la fața locului.